For my free inquiry I want to do fitness. I would like to incorporate, stretches, cardio, weight training and diet and nutrient into my blog. I am passionate about fitness and want to use this blog as a way of holding myself accountable to work out at least once a week and blog about my journey. I want to accomplish a healthy active lifestyle while still balancing school, work, boyfriend and social life. Some things I may include are

- Hit exercises
- Running
- Talk about the health benefits such as improved cognitive function, mood and reduce health risks.
Strength Training
- Videos on how to do it properly vs. improperly. Example of this video on YouTube, “How to Squat with Good Form – Quick and Easy Technique Fix”
- What type of equipment is best
- how many reps and sets should you do to gain muscle.

- Dynamic stretching
- Static stretching
- Yoga
More Things to Include..
- How to do all these exercises at home or at the gym when time is limited.
- Examples: